Open Source Consulting

Open source consulting is not only leveraging about open source & open standards, it is about embracing its philosophy and techniques, it is about openness and fairness, it is about making things right for our customers. And our teams are passionate about it. Open Source Software has proven to be secure, scalable and cost-effective alternatives to many commercial products. But the biggest advantage of Open Source is that the source code is available to change the way it works. This allows programs to be customized specifically to your requirements, without the cost of starting the product from scratch. The advantages of investing in custom solutions can mean not only greater satisfaction for you and your audience, but also reduction in unnecessary expenses.

SecureNext provides the following Open Source services:

  • Open Source Technology Strategy
  • Open Source Application Development
  • Custom Open Source Programming and Integration
  • PHP / Mysql Open source Development
Open Source Services

What are the benefits of Open Source?


Many consider the quality of open source projects to be significantly better than proprietary software. The development model encourages constant peer review of the code and the design of the software. Releases tend to occur frequently and only when the software is considered ready for use, not on a date set by a marketing department.

Reduced Risk:

Availability of source code and the freedom of an open source license gives businesses greater control over the tools they depend on. Unreasonable price increases, unacceptable licensing restrictions and the collapse or acquisition of a vendor have very little impact.


Attempts to hack the internet servers are frequent and their tools to be helped are readily available, so security is critical to the success of any online enterprise. No software is 100% immune from security vulnerabilities but the number of people actively reading open source software helps to reduce the risk. When a problem is found in an open source package, it is often fixed in a matter of hours. Proprietary software vendors sometimes take months to even announce the existence of a problem to its customers.


Open source software is transparent. If there’s something you need it to do, and you can add it yourself, then you can change it to do whatever you want. Hopefully, you’ll also provide your additions for others to use so that the software continues to improve.


Access to good support channels is important during development and day-to-day running of services. Most open source projects provide free, high-quality support via mailing lists and forums. The help is often provided by the same people that wrote the original code. Commercial support is also available for many of the larger open source projects.


Open source software is typically available at no cost and available to download from the internet. Open source licenses are designed to allow you to use the software again and again with no per-seat or per-server costs to worry about. Future versions will also be available at no cost and you don’t need to track the latest version to get support or ensure the upgrade price doesn’t shoot up later. All this means you will have more money to spend where it matters.


Open source software has largely defined the standards in use on the internet today, so it’s no surprise to find that the same open standards are considered extremely important. Open standards allow products from different vendors to work together and also prevent business from getting “tied” to a single product from a single vendor

” We provide all of your free and open source software needs. We participate in many Open Source projects and are dedicated to supporting Open Source, while realizing that current business needs and necessity of the use of proprietary internet applications “

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